• Protectora El Buen Amigo

    El inicio de nuestra protectora arranca en el año 1989 gracias a la familia Ayala Muñoz, familiares y amigos. Al pie del cañón siempre nuestra imparable Candi Muñoz, la cuál su amor por los animales, trasmitidos desde la niñez por su padre, hizo que incluso antes de crearse el refugio como lo conocemos hoy día, ya refugiara en su propia casa a los animales que encontraba abandonados o malheridos en las calles.
Contact info
Unnamed Road
41720 Los Palacios y Villafranca
How can I support this organization?
Adopting a pet!<br> This is the best form of help!

Adopting a pet!
This is the best form of help!

By donating money for our pets, the foundation will be used for necessary accessories such as bedding, feed and mandatory vaccinations.

By donating money for our pets, the foundation will be used for necessary accessories such as bedding, feed and mandatory vaccinations.

By handing over blankets, bowls, dog food cans, materials and bedding for dogs and cats at home.

By handing over blankets, bowls, dog food cans, materials and bedding for dogs and cats at home.

Donating your 1%<br> tax to this organization!

Donating your 1%
tax to this organization!


Read articles written by our volunteers and add your own. You can learn more about adoption, animal rights and nutrition – just search through the articles sorted by topic of interest!